Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I wish I had a clever title for this list but I don't

a list of things that have shocked me since I've been here (both good and bad)

-how many people actually smoke (ew no thank you)
-how delicious real pain au chocolat is. and les crossaints aux amandes (almonds). and croissants. and literally all the french pastries are my favorite things.
-i went to the monoprix (kinda like target I guess but less so) and spent almost $50 on hangers, baskets, and a notebook. oof dah. Also it shocks me how much I miss Target
-I also discovered that pens are expensive (like $7 for 4)
-how much fun exploring new cities are
-how many french women actually have louis vuitton bags (uh now I want one...who feels like donating me a couple thousand dollars)
-how frank french people are
-there was mint in my lemonade
-french wine is actually millions of miles better and cheaper
-however, vodka is like 20 € a bottle...can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss Burnett's
-how much French people like Haagen-Daaz....most of me wants to yell "THERE IS SO MUCH BETTER ICE CREAM IN THE WORLD"

and of course, this
4.75 € for this peanut butter ah 

(if anyone wants to ship me peanut butter, I will certainly not complain)

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