Sunday, August 25, 2013

home home home

Alright let's just put this out there: searching for places to live in two days while jetlagged is not an easy thing to do. Especially when your french is seriously subpar and you struggle to get your words out. HOWEVER, by a stroke of luck/maybe a stressed decision, I found a place to live!! And let me tell you, I'm already a little obsessed.

Okay so I know I told everyone that I was going to live in an apartment, but turns out I don't have 800 a month (that's more than $1000 a thank you) to spend solely on rent (not including the necessities like wi-fi and water). Instead, I'm staying with the perfect French couple--they're in their 30s, have a cat, and most importantly, they're going to cook for me and teach me how to cook French food. So by the time you see me again, not only will I be a wine expert, I'll also know how to cook the best food ever. They also live just off the cours mirabeau so I'm in le centre-ville--close to everything you could ever want to do in Aix. Allow you to walk you through my new life. 
My room!! Right by the best part of the apartment...

...the terrace/garden/where I'll be until it gets cold

Seriously I can't

Okay so obviously I'm going to spend all my days out on the terrace because I mean just look at it. How could you not. Literally just when I thought it couldn't get any I am. 
Part of the kitchen

Other part of the kitchen
View from the kitchen

Yesterday I had my first experience with them cooking: they had friends and the new upstairs neighbors over for dinner. I wish I would've thought of taking pictures of what we ate, because it was insane. But also, seven adults all speaking french gets tiring trying to understand. Luckily, the neighbors have this adorable girl named Manon (so french) so we talked some to give my poor, weary brain a rest from all the French flying around the patio/terrace/my favorite spot ever.

Today, the three of us (me and my french couple, as I think I'll call them) talked a lot about everything--they asked a lot of questions about my family and were completely shocked when I said I have no idea what my parents do, even though they've told me at least a dozen million times. I just forget. They were also shocked, after I showed them a picture of the four of us, how tall we all were so they measured me to figure out how tall I am and how tall my brother is in comparison. I'm 171 cm tall, just so everyone knows. I found out that they love cheese and beer so I think we'll get along well. It's almost like being in Wisconsin. They drink local beer and eat local cheese and I could just hear the whole city of Madison cheer when they said that. The woman reminds me a lot of my little in gphi sooooo if you know that relationship, you know how much I like this woman. Her husband reminds me of someone I know but I can't figure out who but we'll get there. 

I think that's all I have regarding this right now. I'm supposed to be reading a whole book for my class that starts..uh well...tomorrow, so naturally I'm procrastinating. 
Sideways mirror pic because I can't figure out how to rotate it. livin da lyfe. 


  1. For the record, darling daughter, I am a meteorologist. I write software to manipulate satellite data, and I write training modules (focusing on satellite data) for National Weather Service forecasters. And I teach at the local technical college. Your darling mother works at the local public television office in corporate sponsorship, on the back end -- making sure the people/companies who donate get the publicity for their donations. Hope this helps.

  2. I really surf the internets, bake cookies and wash windows. Oh, and I also walk the dog, feed the cat and eat sausage. Occasionally I work to support my yarn acquisition habit.
