Sunday, September 15, 2013

what a WEEK

I FINISHED A WEEK OF CLASS AND I DIDN'T COMPLETELY DIE!!!!! That's the most important thing that has happened. None of them are particularly interesting/worth talking about, but I can tell my French will improve in all of them. Now on to entertaining things.

Okay so I figure now, three (?!) weeks into my little adventure, I have a very good handle on the other people in my program and their personalities. So I thought I'd introduce you to the most interesting ones (everyone has screen names, don't worry).

Probably most interesting in this little cast of characters is the married couple. That's right, there's a married couple on my program. The girl is the one actually in the program--her husband is just here because she is. Her husband is always prepared in the "I always have a knife on me" kind of way. He also resembles someone who is going on a safari. I personally didn't know there were safaris in southern France, but I guess I learn something new every day. And, in an exciting twist to the story, SHE'S PREGNANT. As in, in nine months there will be a baby clawing its way out of her. A BABY. SHE'S PREGNANT. IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE. WITH SAFARI MAN'S BABY. And I thought my year would bring me challenges. Woof.

I don't necessarily talk to the married couple that much--they hang out a lot together, probably discussing the fact that they'll have a baby soon. However, in the limited interactions I've had, they've been very nice. The husband talks much more than the girl, at least for now. We're all witnessing her coming out of her shell WOO go married girl.

The person I probably talk to the most is the most fabulous man I've ever met. He is a die hard fan of Madonna and Princess Diana--he has a rotating selection of Lady Di photos that he uses as phone backgrounds. You can NEVER insult Madonna in front of him if you don't want your head torn off. The two of us are very similar in which we adore drama (I lived in a house of 50 girls last year--I had to like it or life would've been rough), macaroons, and wine. Needless to say, we get along great. We have a discussion together (side note: if you think discussions are awkward in America, just try one in France. French people don't like talking in front of others and therefore about half the two hour discussion is awkward silences. I would chime in but my knowledge of France post-Napoleon is very small. For now, at least) and I can already tell that it will be the highlight of my Friday. The TA loooooves asking us questions about Chicago to which we both kind of make up things because we don't actually know that much about the city, it's just easier than trying to explain what Wisconsin is.

Uhmmmm and that about does it for interesting people. The rest are your very stereotypical midwesterners. We talk about cheese and beer and how we miss Ian's pizza. The french cheese is phenom, but it makes a different kind of mac and cheese that's not suitable for pizza. The struggle is sometimes real. Oh and there's a guy from Edina which always makes me giggle because hahah Edina. cakeeaters4lyfe.

I'm still on a mission to find cool French friends--there was a massive fair today on le Cours Mirabeau of clubs and sports (unlike in America, they're not affiliated with the univerisities) and I found a track team that I'll probably join for shits and gigs because what's better than running in France? Okay, yeah, a lot of things are but at least there's pretty scenery and (hopefully) pretty men to look at...? There's also volunteer opportunities that consist of teaching English to tiny children and I mean after spending a summer surrounded by tiny children, I'm seriously feeling the void.

My life is slowly but surely coming together here weeee and I love life. If you want to send me a letter, which I highly recommend (you'll make my day and I'll have more pen pals than just my grandma), here's my address! I promise I'll send ya one back.

Sarah Lindstrom
30, avenue Victor Hugo
13100 Aix-en-Provence

yay kewl thx friends talk to yall l8r!

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