Tuesday, September 10, 2013

switching goals

(Disclaimer: this has nothing to do with MK&A, I just really wanted to use that as a title for some reason)

Okay here we go.

Obviously, when I found out I was going to spend a whole year in the south of France, I started making a list of goals. They range from the obvious (become fluent in French) to lofty (find a husband) to the biggest, maybe the loftiest: visit 17 countries.

Why 17 do you ask?

Well, as it happens, one of my oldest friends and her family travel basically everywhere. Nineteen countries, to be exact. She's ridden elephants in Thailand, been to the desert in Jordan (and got some siqq sand art), lived in Nicaragua for a month and way more that I can't possibly remember right now. As for me and my family, we're too busy being athletic (or Andrew is at least)/cheering on athleticism/coaching "athletes" (aka the cutest 8 and unders the planet has seen) to have much time to go anywhere. Before coming here, as I've said, I've been to three countries, including the US and Canada. Norway is the lucky last one.

Like any good friend, I like finding ways I can top this girl. We're going to call her Melon (sorry bout it hahahh). Melon is too smart for me to get better grades--she was one of two girls to graduate from my high school with a 4.0, she's faster than me at running so that leaves not much I can go off of. I can swim better than her (most people can). I knew, for my pride, that I needed something more than just swimming (which I am not good at) to top Melon. So lo and behold, I decided one fateful day in December that I would visit more countries than her.

So do the math! She's been to 19 countries, I've been to three. Well four now including France. Therefore, throughout this year I have 16 more countries to go to! Turns out on Saturday, I'm going to Nice and Monaco with a girl on my program so then, in middle of September, I'll have only 15 more to go which when you think about it, isn't even that many. So many places I have to go! If you have a super cool place in Europe/Africa that you think I should go frolic through, lemme know! You know how to reach me.

I leave this blog post, not with an embarrassing picture of me, but of Melon. Holding a melon. (and a Coke, her signature drink lawl)

And because I couldn't resist, here's another one of Melon eating melon. Do you think that's considered cannibalism? 
mmm mmm I taste gud 

Until next time, when I will have another country under my belt,



  1. Is Germany on that list?? Come visit me, seriously.

  2. SUCH a classic pic, I can't even. This is the best blog post of all time. I now want to make a whole new collaborative blog called Melon Mondays to replace our Unstoppable Mondays for the year. Sounds good.

    Oh yeah, you should really hit up Granada, Spain. Youuu will not regret it. And Sochi, obvs, when the time comes around (let's not discuss how difficult that will be).
