Monday, September 30, 2013

*cough cough* I'm sick

That's my feelings towards my body right now. You know sometimes you wake up and you feel like a million little people are jackhammering your brain apart? And so your brain starts to drip, liquid form, out your nose and you just want to cry for days? That's how I feel right now. And it is NOT fun because I have to read French and enjoy France and it's HARD when I can't even see straight because the jackhammers won't turn off.

Also, it's weird being sick without the comforts of home ie your parents there to make you soup and listen to you whine. And I don't know about yall but when I'm sick, I like my comfort sick food, which happens to be grilled cheese and tomato soup which also happens to be not a thing here. I like it because even when I can't taste, I know the taste so well it's like real eating. Yesterday was the birthday of my French guy's mama, so we went to her house for birthday festivities. They talked up how great her food was all week so naturally I was STOKED because I'm obsessed with food (in case you've somehow missed that). But when we got there yesterday, I couldn't taste anything!!! Seriously so sad. But they (my french couple) have been helping me out a lot by giving me cool natural French remedies for this! So that helps a ton. Not grilled cheese and tomato soup, but you gotta work with what you got, you know?

So in times like this, I gotta give a shoutout to the best people in the world--the people who have sent me letters recently which I've read a lot the past two days to cheer myself up. You guys rock and I'm so happy to have you my life yay!!!! Someone tell my grandma she made it on my blog!!! Also maybe explain what a blog is...?

My wonderful grandma
My fave man in the world


I'm off to dose up on my Emergen-C (don't worry, the costco size made the maiden voyage with me) and sleep my sickness away (hopefully). I just felt like checkin in with you guys. Call me, beep me, if ya wanna reach me! I'd loooooove to hear from you! Yes, you! It's easy to make my day, I promise.

With love,
A 50% Sarah (and Regina George)

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