Tuesday, April 29, 2014

anything for Seviiiiiiilla

Alright let's get the background of Sevilla out there: Sevilla is literally the first place I ever heard about in regards to study abroad. It was fall recruitment 2011, and one girl would not shut up about her study abroad experience in Sevilla. Then I actually joined a sorority, where I found that it was pretty normal to study in Sevilla and talk about it for the rest of eternity. Naturally, I knew I would have to actually go there to see what all the hype is about.

Now after visiting it, I completely understand why countless people I know talk daily about Sevilla and how much they loved it/currently miss it. The city is absolutely gorgeous and sunny and not to mention warm (I definitely got sunburned, sorry dad!) with a river flowing through the middle. It's also friendly, has a Dunkin Donuts (so iced coffee!!! a delicacy for me), and the people that live there are some of the most gorgeous I've ever seen. For me it was cool because I met up with people from every stage of my life there: elementary/high school, the pool, college, and now from my current year abroad. I also tried to speak Spanish, and failed miserably, always throwing in French words and pronunciations. A for effort maybe?

plaza de espaaaaana!

One of my good friends that's studying there, Julia, took me to a bull fight on Sunday. Now, I know they're a little controversial (fine, maybe more than a little) but when in Spain, right?? Turns out it's not really a fight, more of "let's toy with the bull and stab him a lot and then kill him", weakening him along the way so he doesn't really have a choice...poor bull! They were so proud too when they beat the bull....well no shit you won! Needless to say, we left to get food in the middle of it.

The people I met outside my friends there were some of the best people I've encountered traveling. Highlights include a shit ton of Canadians, four Kiwis, a couple from Austin that actually got ENGAGED in Sevilla two days ago (talk about a perfect engagement), a girl from Manitowoc, Wisconsin (screamed when I met her), a flight attendant, AND a fellow Badger (screamed even more when I met him) who actually works in my dad's building and recognized him HAHA I love how small the world is sometimes.

That about does it for Sevilla....and now my next trip will be when I'm reunited with my number one soul sister in the world!!!! And I'll take finals!!! and then.....who knows!!! I'm in denial that it's May this week, so if you need me, I'll be playing Christmas music, pretending it's still December.

au revoir! (I was going to say goodbye in Spanish, but of course I can't remember the word),

pouting becuz we never wanna leave

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