Tuesday, October 15, 2013


YOU GUYS I'M OFFICIALLY A SUPER INTERNATIONAL TRAVELER!!!!!!! I made it to Rome and back in one piece, with nothing stolen or broken!!! I'm pretty proud of this fact. And Rome was awesome because I GOT TO PRETEND I WAS LIZZIE MCGUIRE FOR LIKE 72 HOURS which is every girl alive in 2003's dream, let's be real here.

So Sunday was my first full day in da city and I decided just to walk and see where my feet ended up. I knew I wanted to go to the Vatican (because remember, I have to get to seventeen countries somehow!!), so I decided to walk there just to see what was up. There were a million people around but I didn't think to much of that--in Rome, there's a million tourists and so many walking tours. These people seemed to be waiting for something, so I asked a guy what was going on. He looks at me like I'm stupid and proceeds to tell me that pope is out. OH OKAY, SUPER CAUSAL. THE POPE IS CHILLIN OUT WHEN I'M THERE. There were so many old people around me who started crying when he drove by and I just stood there, pretty dumbstruck. I wouldn't call myself religious by any means, but a) I was raised Catholic so it does resonate with me and b) this pope is a total badass so I appreciate that.

PAPA FRANCESO ay ya sew catholic (he is in there, I swear)

The best part about just walking through Rome is that you actually stumble upon old ruins basically everywhere, and always completely on accident. There's a ruin that I found on the way to dinner with my friend Sidney and there was this sign:
hahahah wtf Rome

So basically stray cats just come and hang out there so that's pretty random/cool. Wandering is also how I found the Trevi Fountain!!! I had a guidebook my french couple lent me, but I didn't want to have my nose in a book so I basically would just read it when I was eating for something to occupy myself with so people wouldn't harass me. Dude, the thing is huge. I don't know what I was expecting really, but shit. So intricate!!! Obv threw a coin in!!! Sadly, no Italian pop star came up to me because I was the twin of his singing partner, but a street vendor told me I looked beautiful so that's basically the same thing, right???

~*I could almost kiss the stars for shining so bright*~
There's only two things I didn't do that I probably should've: the Colosseum and the Sistine Chapel. I actually forgot that the Sistine Chapel was in Rome/the Vatican until dinner I had with friends from my hostel so that was pretty embarrassing. And I tried to go to the Colosseum, but it was so crowded and so many people and I just was not in the mood, you know? But it IS gorgeous lit up at night, and there a million less people around to bother you. Now I just have an excuse to go back to Rome in the spring!!! Not complaining, I for sure have way more I wish I could've done. My friend Sidney was at a bar AND SAW JORDAN TAYLOR. LIKE HE'S LIVING IN ROME. So naturally I have to come back to try and find him, as well as continue to grow intellectually or whatever.

proof I did see this beauty 
So that's a tiny lil glimpse of my time in Roma, the Eternal City!!!! I'm busy planning more trips because omg traveling is so fun and addicting and there's so many people to meet and to talk to!!! eee sorry. but I think I'll go to London in December and live my dream of Love Actually in real life, as well as something else! You guys will just have to wait and find out boom!!!

Until my next adventure!!


I was unimpressed by the Spanish steps oops

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